XIN Tutorial

As I said this option is fast and simple. The only real advantage would be offered by option (1), where you can mix and match different Producers (or Builders ) without the user knowing anything about different model/texture/sound types. This would also prevent different inconsistent Loader classes, since the usage pattern is given by the API (the actual XXXFactory) and all concrete implementations are forced to use the interface offered by the SPI.

Yes, it’s possible to use getResource() to retrieve an URL and pass it to TextureStreamLocatorURL, but this won’t deal with the structure of the classpath (multiple jars/directories).Since it is easy to write an own TextureStreamLocatorClasspath, that overcomes this, I think it would be beneficial to adapt that scheme with other loaders, too.

At this point a general ResourceLocator could tighten the interface, since the InputStream retrieval is shifted to the ResourceLocator, so only resource names are needed to load a resource. Also it would allow for further optimization of the name<->stream mapping and resource access would be generalized for all kind of Loaders.

Yeah Producer is wrong, Builder would be better, since it would be an (simplistic) incarnation of the builder pattern. For me however everything that creates an Object is a Factory… :wink:

Anyway Loader is fine. They should just all behave the same and share as most base functionality as possible.


Well, the user does know exactly what kind of data he is loading, since he’ll have to handle the returned object corretly.

Yes, maybe.

Well, it is not simple object creation. Otherwise I would concede to you. Loader is just fine IMHO. Of course there’re objects created, but in fact everyone will understand, what a loader does, when he expects it to load a model / texture / sound. And of course an object holding the model (e.g.) is the result.

So I wouldn’t depart from the XXXLoader naming scheme.


I agree with Marvin.

The only things the “Model” (MD2Model, CalModel or whatever) should conform to is to :

  • Display the first frame of anim if that’s an anim even if you haven’t called any function after load
  • Extends BranchGroup or provide a branchgroup containing the data

And we should be able to load a “model” (huge abstraction here) of whatever type with a single generic instruction so a “basic” model loader is really straightforward.

I think we could provide a function which returns an icon of the 3D model file.

It would :

  • Load it
  • Compute its sphere bounding box
  • Create a scene with a Camera at the right distance so you see the whole model on a e.g. 48x48 canvas
  • Render an RGBA image of it

That would be most useful in games.

org.xith3d.loaders.base.Scene does extend BranchGroup while org.xith3d.loaders.base.Model extends Group.

org.xith3d.loaders.base.Loader does exactly this.

Cool idea.

This is done by the extended Group or BranchGroup.

I guess, this would be better nested in a loader utility class.
