What libraries/engines do most successful 2d java games use? Just lwjgl?

Awesome bondage thread is awesome.

Okay, let’s wrap up this topic, shall we? (See what I did thar?)

Sorry, I thought LWJGL already contained a Java binding for OpenGL ES, that is why I thought it would not be that hard to support Android.

LWJGL’s ES target is some optional thing that doesn’t ship in the standard distribution. I believe you have to generate it from the source. If I’m wrong there, I’d be happy if someone set me straight…

It is also kinda pointless for Android, because Android already has the entire GLES API.

Cas :slight_smile:

Sure, but it’s not unreasonable to target GLES for the desktop too if you have a mind to make it portable to Android at some later point. It beats having to deal with the Android emulator (can it even do GL?)

Also with the presence of LWJGL’s sister library LibGDX already having such great Android support, there is little need to push Android support into it, although LWJGL does support OpenGL ES.

Indeed. The ES support in LWJGL was meant to be a direct binding to OpenGL ES on Linux embedded systems (eg. RaspPi, maybe iOS one day, etc). In the meantime libgdx is the cure for what ails you.

Cas :slight_smile:

That brought tears to my eyes.

I just wish the sbt plugin for libgdx would let me write a desktop-only app without having to pull in android support. I guess I could hack the plugin, I’m just lazy :stuck_out_tongue: