Virus Effect on Android - (Beta Released)

Yeah since its using the new physics engine I’ve been working on, its not really tile based anymore. Free roaming points, so the map files aren’t the same.

Yay, just released third update. It has Episode 1 now. It might be a little short, I’ll probably add a few more rooms in the next update plus Episode 2 of course.

So what do you guys think of the multi-touch now, those with 2.0 and up phones?

Next update will include a finishing episode screen that will tell you the amount of enemies killed, time, and credx gained. What else should I work on, I do have a list, just want to hear if any of you have suggestions.

Okay for all of you guys that don’t have an Android Powered device, I just finished up the early Android Version of VE for the Browser!

Later on I will be storing all Android and Web saving on the site database therefore you will be able to seamlessly play the same VE on the web and anywhere else with your Android phone.

I’ll keep you posted here.

Features Missing From Web Vers. that are in Android Vers.:
-Main Menu
-Stat Screen

I put out update v0.7 today for Android, I would love to hear any feedback about it if you have some. There are now three control schemes.
-Tilt to move (accelerometer)

There are complete instructions now for each controls scheme, although it probably still looks bad on phones that aren’t Nexus One or Droid. I hope to get a hold of a smaller screen phone soon. I went to the Android Developer Lab in Austin, and I got a free Motorola Droid, which is what I already have. But I will be doing multi-player with it, after VE is out of Beta.

I also added simple interaction to the main menu, with a level in the background. Later on I’m gonna implement features like touching objects and dragging them. So you’ll be able to fling enemies and objects around. And probably develop a mini game in the menu where you’ll get enemies to chase where you tapped for a purpose.

I also did some major optimizations and I still have one significant optimization left to do. I ported the optimization to the Applet version and it runs much nicer.

Applet Android Version

Released v0.8 last night. It now has High Scores after each episode. Although there is only one episode still. Also changed up the spawn room which will be player’s home base.

We’re getting pretty close to version 1.0 which will have inventory and shops. So there is not too much left to add. But the biggest thing I have yet to complete is the map editor. I’ll be working on that before the other game features.

I also added blacked out borders, so now it looks cleaner. I’ll put up screen shots once I update the applet version to have all the new additions.

Edit: Applet version ready, and has scores. I’m keeping them separate from Android phones though.

Just released an update, its now v0.9

The major change was that it works with all screen sizes now. So I would appreciate it if everyone tried it out one more time and see how it runs.

Also new episode, sounds, and newish enemies. Hope to start working on the full version soon.

Edit: I think I fixed the force close issue.