A really nice game, with a great attention to small details, and also very neat on a technical level.
This may or may not have gotten my highest judge score. :point:
Really? not with me
I just noticed the “Show sources at end of contest” option doesn’t seem to work, so I made them public ; while I’m at it, here is a package of the project sources (including the build script), I hope some will find it useful for next year.
On a side note, I kinda started working on an Android remake of the game, nothing serious yet but I’ll make sure to share it when I have something playable!
Buggy game is buggy, for me at least.
When I’ve beaten the game and press restart, the game DOES restart but the labs still seem to be existant in the background. Everything still works a fuckton faster, almost instant in fact.
And after I’ve reached the 4th planet (on my second try, after I restarted the game) the game does not end. And if I build another rocket and fly to the -nonexisting- planet 5 the game crashes :x
Praise and minor nitpicking.
1st. Due to the JGO registration process, I now know a little Java and have JDK and NetBeans installed.
I enjoy the game. It took a while to understand what everything was doing but once I understood, figuring out a strategy didn’t take long.
Best score to date was 162. Pretty sure I could get down into 140’s or 150’s if I got just the right opening mix of trees.
Note this was from the initial load where the first planet has trees, 2nd has mines and 3rd has reactors but you never actually get to a 4th planet. If I use the right click to reload, I get a fourth planet but when I launch away from it, I never get a score and the program hangs. As mentioned in a previous comment, when using the right click restart, it seems like the labs are brought forward in the background (not displayed) because the grow speed is very fast right from the beginning without any labs built or visible.
Lastly, if I could add a feature, it would be a timer showing an ongoing elapsed time.