[quote]It might be fun, and harder, to have different kinds of behavior from the enemies. There might be some who go straight at you, others who tries to encricle, and so one. Of course, it might be a bit difficult to program this.
Each mob can have it’s own unique AI already (AI is scripted, so adding new ones is quite easy). At the moment, we only have 3 mob AI’s (which is pretty good considering that 48 hours ago we only had 1!), and one of them is a fair bit faster than the others, so Temple mixes all 3 freely to improve performance.
Temple needs some serious rebalancing - the new AI’s caught me somewhat on the hop, and the level balance has been broken (although I also haven’t had time to re-balance for the stuff we added to kill DP ;)).
If we taught monsters to encircle you any more effectively, then you would have a snowball’s chance in hell of completing the harder (not even the hardest) rooms. As it is I am using Dave’s latest mobscript sparingly: he occasionally nominates “champions” who get angry and decide to dodge the queue: they speed up, leave the crowd, and come after you with some serious attitude.
But…maybe once we add powerups we’ll need the better AI to keep it from getting too easy ;D/