NB: I am a strong advocate of preventing java from ever having full C++ style pointers, for reasons e.g. simlar to those that I don’t program in assembler any more - it’s unmaintainable and unnecessary. However…
Your reaction is reactionary - it sounds like a knee-jerk “oh, this involves pointers! Pointers are bad! This must be bad!” without thinking about hte details. I feel tempted to say that before making such comments, you should go and learn more of Java. Pointer arithmetic is here, now, and it’s not going anywhere (it’s a fundamental concept provided by NIO - and I’ve seen several people use it as such); structs would promote a subset of pointer arithmetic into object management. IMHO, this is a good thing - java has had no syntax-level pointers for 10 years, and now we are in a position to know very well where and how it is necessary for a systems language to gradually introduce some uses of poitners in a controlled way - and are able to do so without suddenly opening a can of worms.
Structs can be (and, as far as I can see, probably already are being) implemented by individuals right now, but you have to do all the setup and management yourself and lose much help you could have had from the compiler and from the JVM if they were “supported” more by the language.
Please tell me how to manage my 100 million objects, all of which I’ll be accessing during the next few milliseconds? No, really. I would like to know! How many decades will it be before Sun’s heuristic-based object management has a hope of catching up with the tricks I could do when I - as the app developer - actually know for totally unpredictable (at the execution level) but totally predictable (at the app design level) reasons which objects I want when and in what order?
100 million is NOT an exaggeration…I have game apps that generate that many (not vanilla stuff, but nevertheless (to do with background AI)). I’m not using any big BSP trees myself at the moment, but it’s clear that they are going to have rather a lot too on modern game levels with many polygons, no?