
rafa_es : I changed a bit your game so that the only difference between the java sound test and your game is that your sound node is added to a render branch (pass).

Marvin, are render passes and regular branchgroup handled differently about sound nodes ?

The sound data is only loaded, when it is first “rendered”. And when it’s loaded there’s a message. And, we don’t have this message… so this node never gets rendered… and when it’s not in a special “pass” it works perfectly… soo what’s going on ?

line 504 (not sure if it’s the right one, i changed the code abit) :

cronometro.setColor(new Color3f(0.12f, 0.15f, 1f));

replace by :

cronometro.setFontColor(new Color3f(0.12f, 0.15f, 1f));

(setColor() is deprecated)

same for next occurences (line 509

lines 544-545 : not a good idea to have classes like “hudWinner” and “hudLooser”, rather use “HudWinner” and “HudLooser”. (java standards coding conventions)

I’m investigating sound processing


 public final int collectAtoms(Locale locale, RenderPassConfigProvider defaultRenderPassConfig, ScenegraphModificationsListener modListener, Renderer renderer, com.xith3d.render.Canvas3D canvas, SoundProcessor soundProcessor)


                pass.getRenderBinProvider().clearAllBins(j == 0);
                // FIXME (Amos Wenger) What's That ??
                /*if (soundProcessor != null)


What is this code supposed to do here ?

It works well without.

@rafa_es : update from CVS, should be fixed now.

I really didn’t want to call you dump. Sorry if you came to understand it this way :).

Not at all.

I need to check it. But it should only be a problem, when you’re using more than one Locle, which should be very rare. Will check it this evening.


A word about the reason, why I deprecated these methods:
I introduced a new interface called TextWidget. I’m planning to use it for a speacial implementation of the new List Widget I’m working on.
And setColor() is not a good name for a common text-color getter/setter. So I deprecated set/getColor() in Label and added the new method implemented from TextWidget called set/getFontColor().


Thank you for all the help Amos :smiley:
I’ll update the CVS now

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I hope I didn’t break something else…