soszip2 - brute-force comression utility

can’t extract the zip file here on linux :slight_smile:

skipping: soszip2.exe             need PK compat. v6.3 (can do v2.1)

edit: nvm, works with 7z not unzip

k, guess not, it only supports a single file and not a bunch of files or existing zip file. Also produces zip and not lzma.

I updated the tool with small batch file that uses pack200 to strip some data from the package. I hope this will give it some boost. The link remains in the first post.
Type sospack for usage info.

You have to stick a gz header on too.

Perhaps I’m doing something wrong, or I’m misunderstanding something, but I just attempted to use the LZMA method in 7z to construct a jar (and, thus, also the gz file which has a stripped header):

> 7z a -bd -tzip -mx=9 -mm=LZMA -mtc=off -mcl=on -mcu=off test.jar D.class

I attempted to use the resulting jar file in Chrome, and the JVM fails with “Cannot load class D”. Using the Deflate method instead doesn’t cause this error.

As said, the JVM doesn’t support the LZMA algorithm, hence I removed it from compile-and-shrink.

Ah, I overlooked that. Thanks.