For anyone playing and getting stumped, I ended up posting hints for each puzzle on the website:
That’s exactly what you don’t want to do.
Yea f**k it, I’m taking it down. You’re totally right haha good call
No it is not.
As long as you do not do it in a way that people can accidently read it (which would not even be a problem on itself, we are talking about hints here), there is nothing wrong with giving people some optional advice; it might even be beneficial, considering having no clue how to get past a riddle can effectively end the game for someone.
Yea, I did have it in a way where you had to click on something in order to reveal the hint. But one of the reasons I made Seven Sages was to create a game that would have a reputation for stumping at least half of the people who play it. Not that it’s impossibly difficult, because I did put a lot of attention into making sure the dots are connectable for each puzzle, but the game definitely requires abstract thinking skills that aren’t often required in video games.
Wow really interesting article, may later be able to share other helpful information are more interesting.
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