Rescue Squad 2!

Eh… I’m actually sure that I have the latest drivers, since Macs have all driver updates automatically through software update (since Apple controls the hardware). The card is shit though :slight_smile:

OpenGL multitexture units: 1

Silly as it is, this is valid behaviour.

It’s mostly a mistake on my part - the card is recent and supports plenty of modern extensions, but only supports core 1.2. Which means that trying to do multitexturing through the core functions (which are 1.3) returns funny results. I’ve switched the code to use everything as extesions now so it should work fine. 'tis an unusual approach from intel, but still technically valid and I guess it allows them to focus only on the newfangled stuff that they want to, rather than wasting time on the 1.3/1.4/1.5 fluff that no-one uses.

For those of you on 64bit systems, RS2 now has 64bit native libs, and has been tested on Vista64 and linux64.

Content updates coming later in the week hopefully.