Great game ;D
Really quite addictive. Definitally one of the more fun titles to play in its class. Despite its simplicity, there are a lot of tricks to learn - having changable bonus items is great, you have to decide what you want, and if you can afford the time to change it to what you want.
- I don’t like the music (if you can call it that), it gets a bit annoying. A corney, 4 track MIDI would be pretty cool though
- Regarding sound effects, personally I don’t like the reuse of AF ones, it gets confusing (as they mean different things).
- I’m not sure if it is correct to call the registration a donation since the registration is compulsary after the third launch. In my eyes, donations are optional things, where as in this case it certainly isn’t
- Is there a pause button? If not, can I have one pleease?
- What about a suiside button? (yes, it is quite easy to die anyway, but still, one would be handy)
- In OS X, I can’t seem to close the app without killing it
They are fairly minor things, but I thought I should point them out.
Thanks for the fun game, you got my money
Will (divzero)