Official OpenGL 3.0 support / How dead is JOGL?

JOGL is not dying! It is tiring to read this whereas JOGL 2.0 is going to arrive. Don’t worry.

Now that OpenGL 3.1 is released and (beta) driver support is also already there from day one (nvidia even released a linux version!) I’m excited to see if JOGL and when lwjgl will support OpenGL 3.1 and how the removal/deprecation of functions shows up in the java api.

LWJGL has already added opengl 3.1 support. ;D

Should have choosen LWJGL so it seems…

If you want a big black screen under some Linux machines like mine, you should have chosen LWJGL :-*

Watch this a bit:

I’ve used LWJGL on many linux machines and never had any problems with black screens. The LWJGL developers are aware of this bug and are willing to fix it, but it seems to only be specific to your machine (since you have a very old gfx card which ATI no longer support and you are using dodgy third party drivers), with no way to reproduce it, its very difficult to fix.

LWJGL is a community project and relies on the community to support it track down bugs and fix them, we do know that it worked on your machine with older versions of LWJGL and it was a change in a recent version of LWJGL that broke it correct?

It should be a simple matter to fix if we can find out which change caused it to break on your machine, if you can help by testing to find which change to the LWJGL caused it to break on your machine maybe this issue can be fixed.

Other than that this bug effects only an insignificantly small number of machines (and most likely due to crappy drivers).

Gouessej you might want to be less negative against LWJGL, your the only one who complains about it, you don’t want to anger more people. What I hear JOGL can have some rare problems too. Nothing is perfect. But doing what Kapta said might help fix this and then LWJGL can be your friend too ::slight_smile:

But now it happens only with some applications, not systematically, even though they use the latest version of LWJGL ???

If you don’t succeed in reproducing this bug, I will have to take another look at it (when I have some time) at least to tell you exactly which change list breaks LWJGL at home. Did you try LWJGL with a Matrox Millenium G400 under Linux? I remember that it worked reliably with JOGL even with the G200 that is older.

I already tried to fix this bug as it annoys me too! A final user does not make any difference between JOGL and LWJGL. If he gets a black screen when launching a Java game, it is bad for Java on the whole. I’m not the only one to complain about it. I interpret the fact that some LWJGL users come here to encourage people to use LWJGL rather than JOGL when they speak about OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1 as a provocation whereas it is difficult for me too, I have no idea of when Mr Russell will release a beta version of JOGL 2.0.

LWJGL is not my enemy if and only if bugs under Linux are treated as good as bugs under Windows.