my game i'm making is taking up all my RAM.

BurntPizza is right. I made the same mistake at the same age a year ago. It took me months to realize that I needed to learn more Java. This is a good place to start as well as a book.

I have learned a little about variables,operators,casting,user input,objects,and if,else,and,or.Most of the time i’m learning as i go.

Don’t learn the basics of Java ‘as you go’ by trying to make games.
This will bite you in the ass later on, and it will bite (very) hard.

Learn the basics of Java by making things like a Calculator, or a Text-Adventure.
Then go and make 2D games.

Have a nice day.

  • Longor1996

At least look up the Java tutorials by Oracle and follow some of them.

Also (maybe I am showing my advanced age here) I can’t imagine anything more useless that watching coding videos or live code streaming. You need to be able to work through things at your own pace, which means videos are counterproductive.

Gotta disagree a little here.
You learn way better when you actually want something to work and therefore are forced to learn things to make it work.
It’s waaay better then simple studying or doing exercises that are just out of context and everything

However it means that the game you are creating while learning will not be a good game but simply your laboratory if you will… if you accept that, its a very good choice actually.

If you really lack a lot of basics… can be frustrating of course

thank u i finally fixed it!also thanks longarmx as well!what i did was i put the code above the render method in the constructor!