SwampChicken, Java3D remained almost frozen (a few community fixes) for years when Sun abandoned it until Harvey tried to resurrect it and I ported it to JOGL 2. I understand philjord’s position, he was reluctant to switch to another engine or scenegraph API, he didn’t want to ruin his efforts and I know that porting some code to another engine can take a long time. There are a very few APIs similar to Java3D, the last commit for Xith3D was done in December 2014, …
There is no need to use a conditional instruction In my humble opinion, you should split your contributions into several smaller and more manageable pieces. I suggest you to make a pull request with the changes about the OpenGL ES pipeline. Then, we can solve your problems with the drawable based on NEWT. After that, we can fix the Android specific aspects and finally, we can push the first pre-version of Java3D 1.7.0 with all your changes. There is no shame in asking for help. However, things have changed a lot in the latest ten years, there is no room for another challenger in the 3D Java area, what we have done for Java3D just extends its life (or postpones its death, depending on the viewpoint), Android support will be a very appealing feature but it won’t be enough to compete with other famous engines and the problem is a bit the same for some other frameworks and engines supporting JogAmp except JMonkeyEngine and LibGDX. I expect a consolidation with few competitors rather than a diversification. It’s up to us to choose how it will happen so that you’ll be able to go on working on Morrowind on Android without having to rewrite everything.