(lwjgl) Schlug Attuck crash test

Seems not alot of ppl are interested =/ … Anyhow, I am still working on this game… added a apache chopper and some “terrain”

Well… like a diary here then :slight_smile:
Added text to the game using a tool for creating font textures and then using simple quads… not perfect but almost done.

Here is a screenshot (always updated for new version/feature) http://www.naturalgamer.com/scr.gif

What program are you using to create font textures? I’ve looked at a few now, but not found anything worth coming back to.

I played for a bit with loading fonts from the filesystem, but TTF et al are way too complicated to be worthwhile, and there just don’t seem to be any FON-like fonts available free. Really - they just don’t exist! :o

I am using a free software I heard of in this forum called “LMNopc Bitmap Font Builder” to create the font textures. But I heard there is some adobe product that does the same thing, but those are not for free of course :slight_smile: Bitmap Font Builder does the job.

there are copyright/licenses/stuff for fonts as well, right?

btw there is also FontStudio over at http://www.sulaco.co.za/nitrogen/Projects.htm

Well the fonts are licensed for sure, but I think the textures arent really exact copies of the fonts, are they? Would be nice if anyone would look it up but I dont think it is illegal to prínt fonts onto a texture and then using them in your software.

Well… once again I have uploaded a new version of my game… no visual improvements or anything yet… Just that I have implemented a Quad tree and display lists for basically everything… And yeah, also made a virtual terrain, instead of printing a large quad in the background for the lvl, that would take up alot of the GPU time, I draw a smaller quad that only covers the screen and then animate the texture coordinates.
This should alltogether improve performance somewhat… aspecially noticeable for low-end systems.

www.naturalgamer.com/dist.zip as usual.

Finally got around to giving it a try.
It works okay and smooth and all and it looks quite nice. There was one little problem that it didn’t restore the video mode properly when I exited.

But erm, where is the game?

Hmm strange error you got. Anyway, the game I am still working on :wink: Got collision detection working really nice now… and Working on collision reaction now, want to get it really nice with good reactions. We´ll see if my old physics skills will take me through this.