Longest program you have written?

Nice, I’m gonna use this ;D

I can’t stop laughing! I also can’t stop crying, as I’ve seen code like this at my corporate internship :emo:

200K and counting…

Yeah, LOC is peanuts, it is all about how fast you can get things to work.

for(int i = 1; i < 101; i++){
     if(i%15 == 0)
     else if(i%3 == 0)
     else if(i%5 == 0)

I can’t concentrate with all that Fizz Buzz… :point:

	for(int i=1;i<101;i++) {
		int a=((528>>i%15-1)&1)*4;
		int b=((-2128340926>>(i%15)*2)&3)*4;

Guardian is currently 9084 (excluding my personal libraries. Personal libraries included I get 14451 LOC)
The archived ‘Guardian II’ was about 15233 lines. Just as well I rewrote it.

Paint.JAVA is currently ~13000 lines, although some amount of those were written by Longor1996, BurntPizza, and some other contributors.

My voxel engine is a mere 2481 lines.

My Ludum Dare entries are all around 2500 LOC, with the exception of the 7dRTS which was 6069. (Which you’d expect from a longer competition)

Of course, a fair number of those lines aren’t technically code.

hmmm…almost all of the stuff I have posted would be in the range of 500-2k. I try and be clean with code…try. :cranky:

My current project is rather small then with its 10’272 lines of code.
That is, exluding the libraries I am using (LWJGL, KryoNET, EventBus).

At least according to SourceMonitor…

All that just for a Voxel-Engine!

  • Longor1996

I would say the longest I’ve written so far is my RTS game(its not even finished yet).
It’s currently: