In the end, all what count is “how do I present my product to the end-user”
I think what held back Java from beeing a common Desktop engine for (smaller) games was simply the problem running a Java Progam.
The enduser mostly cant just doubleclick it like an execuatable. Or at least the developer can not know if the user can do so.
Packaging a private JVM is a solution, but quite ugly and heavy. (my JRE is like 100MB big, not funny when the actual game is like only 14MB…)
Asking the enduser to download Java is much to complicated.
-> Which casual user is spending more than 10 seconds to get the demo of “NeonPackman” started.
Its not like having some issues to get Skyrim running, where users would spend some effort to run it.
…Its just some game, with many other Games as alternatives to switch to.
Java is just hindering itself to be deployed for (casual)end-user applications,
treading normal people like they would and should be System Administrators.
Beeing portable over platforms is not much of an argument for Desktop games, where the actual money is
spend on Windows games. Where Java is complex to assure to get startet…
Since there where easier alternatives, Professional Gamestudios did not bother with Java.
Android on the other Hand shows, that when Java is implemented deeply and no hassle to be used, there are tons
of Java-based games beeing deployed.
Its all about making it easy for the enduser.