Its a halo effect.
I used something similar for these energy blobs in Cave4k.
You simulate the light reflecting from the underlying surface near bright lamps, thus getting this neon look.
Its a halo effect.
I used something similar for these energy blobs in Cave4k.
You simulate the light reflecting from the underlying surface near bright lamps, thus getting this neon look.
very cool.
Very good.
My first thought was “quote key is never going to work on my Swedish keyboard”, but it did. Maybe because it is a Apple keyboard, not a PC keyboard.
Awesome fun! 20,000,000 and balls going everywhere! 8)
HA! I just played again, I beat you all!! 34,015,000!! W000T!!
I provided an alternative key mapping that should make the game easier to play on various keyboard layouts. Details and the updated game are posted here:
Thanks again for your feedback everyone.
Way to go ra4king! You currently hold the High Score.
Several people have commented to me about the instructions: TL;DR.
To unlock multiple balls, collect all 5 white circular targets, which are scattered throughout the playfield. Each time you collect the set of gray targets in the upper-left, the score multiplier gets incremented. And, when you obtain all the gray targets in the lower-left, you earn a lot of points.
Originally, the playfield was full of glowing and blinking arrows, directing the player where to aim next. Unfortunately, that feature along with a spinning target and a custom font designed to resemble a DMD had to be dropped during the great 4K crunch.
I can’t wait to see more of your improved remakes, zeerone, as this one was really brilliant. But please spare Activision’s Laser Blast, as I intend to work on it for a 12/21/2012 release.
The Mayan calendar didn’t account for leap years, so the world should have actually ended over 7 months ago ;D
Still wondering how to create this glowing effect.
I found a bug, where the ball stucks and couldn’t move.
I never played Laser Blast. It’s all yours.
LOL! I think you just won the internet.
very good, dude. very good. :cranky: