Regarding “remove lowest score for everyone”:
I’m fine with this. An ever better way might be to remove the lowest and highest score for each game (just taking an average between the middle 3). I believe this would be a very fair way to do it (a Truncated mean as suggested by oNyx).
In either case, I think the scores should be finalized very shortly (I’m fine with whatever method the organizers decide to use), and then a plan set up for next year. I propose truncated average (remove lowest and highest score).
EDIT: On a side note, I believe the NPE discussed might be the one that mentioned in a comment by darkfrog for one of my games. Whether it’s because of faulty code on my behalf or problems with obfuscation or differences in the JVM is hard to tell. I might see if I can get some other Vista 64 user to run it and see if I can pinpoint it.