JOGL Project Template available for NetBeans

I also did the changes but still get the very same error message. Even tried downloading the library myself and set a path to that without any luck. I’m gonna try on a different computer to see if that makes any difference, since I get the very same error in Eclipse (even when using -Djava.library.path=path/to/natives). I’ve started to experimenting with OpenGL in C/C++ insead in the mean time.

Might take a week or so before I get that other computer up and running. It’s a desktop and I only have a wireless connection right now, need to drill some holes and get some network cables in place. But when I’m finished I’ll report back. I’m running xubuntu with an ATI-based graphics card. Should not be an issue since all examples work fine (glx gears etc).

Thanks for your help.

Please make sure, you haven’t installed any other version of jogl/gluegen and their natives on your system. Especially make sure, you don’t have a jogl.jar under [jre|jdk]/lib/ext


i get this exception if I run the GLSL Editor with NetBeans 6 m8:

WARNUNG []: XML parser error in file Editors/text/x-glsl-fragment-shader/NetBeans/Defaults/coloring.xml
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element "fontscolors", must match DOCTYPE root "null".
[catch] at


Thanks for the report. Never tried the plugins in NB6. I’ll hava a look.


Hi again,

I have written a NB module for native GLSL compiler integration into the IDE (screen shot attached). I have some questions on your implementation of the GLSL modules. Perhaps it would make sense to add my module to your updatecenter. So, if you are interested, please send me a PM with your mail address.


I just updated the project template to JOGL JSR-231 1.1.0-Final. You can download the available modules here:

Or download and install the Update-Center:

After that you can install the modules (and keep track of future updates) via the “Gamedev Updatecenter” under |Tools|->|Update Center|.

This version should also fix the problems when running under linux, so try it out!

NOTE: existing projects will not get updated
I had to change the natives layout to fix the linux bug, so this version is not compatible with already created projects. The old projects will remain to work, but don’t benefit from the jogl update - they will still use the old jar versions. I am confident, that this is the last time this will occur.

Could you update your template for netbeans 6?
The GLSL editor and compiler integration module looks great (by looking at the screensot), do you plan to use it?

I have very limited free time at the moment due to work, but bienator has contacted me some time ago and he set up a project on NetBeans OpenGL Pack. We will merge our codebases there, prepare a NB6 compatible release and make the source available under BSD licence via SVN. I will post here as soon as something is available.

Any news yet when the NB6 template will be available? :slight_smile:

Actually there is not so much to do and the SVN-trunk already runs fine on NB6, but it still misses some polishing and minor improvements. We plan to make a release available within the next two weeks.

yes, please be patient, we are short before the release. The NetBeans OpenGL Pack has now a New and Noteworthy page for more info.

feel free to checkout from svn and try if you can’t wait :wink:

A preview release of the NetBeans OpenGL Pack is now available. Please see this thread for more information:,18726.0.html

please use the NetBeans Plugin Portal to get the OpenGL Pack (version 0.5.1 and later)

NetBeans OpenGL Pack 0.5.5 ships now JOGL 1.1.1a, adds NetBeans 6.7 support (which was released today) and adds a few other things.
release notes
get it while its hot:

It’s my first day looking at NetBeans (bit fed up with eclipse and workspace / svn issues everytime I upgrade).

Anyway, I was pleased to see a NB JOGL plugin possibility. Couple of questions though:

Which version of the plugin can I use under OSX with java 1.5? I saw a mention that the latest plugin bundle needs 1.6?

Are there plans to include JOGL 2 templates/demos support? including ES?

Just try it out. In the worst case you might loose the glsl editor. The templates and such should work.

As for JOGL 2.0, we will updgrade/support JOGL 2.0, but have no eta or ideas how exaclty it will look like atm. We will keep you posted about that.

Not too bad, I lost:

JOGL Utils, GLSLCompiler editor support, GL QuickSearch, GLSL editor, OpenGL capabilities viewer.

Also the form designer? integration generates 1.6 dependant code so that’s out the window.

But I really like the fact the red book demos and jogl demos are mostly there. Not sure what else I might be missing because the plugin and NB are brand new to me :slight_smile: But I like this template approach. look forward to some JOGL 2 templates :slight_smile:

Hi, I am using the Netbeans OpenGL pack on Netbeans 6.7. I am having a small issue with webstart when I am not connected to the internet. It looks like whenever a project using the OpenGL pack is run via webstart it attempts to download jogl/gluegen files remotely. Thus, if I am not online, I get the following error: Unable to load resource:

That is, after I have built the webstart project (while connected), I try to run it again via the dist/launch.html link (while offline).

Now it is my understanding that webstart will attempt to cache downloaded resources or jars and use them if no updates are found or if no internet connection to the resource is available.

Can anyone more experienced with the openGL pack (or with webstart in general) advise me on how to alter my project so that it will launch even if something goes amiss with the internet connection? Or, if I am totally mistaken about the caching thing I guess ignore this post…

Thanks, Angus

Any news about “look forward to some JOGL 2 templates” ? ::slight_smile:

Sorry to answer only now. bienator no more maintains Netbeans OpenGL Pack but it is still possible to use JogAmp in Netbeans, it is explained here.