JOGL + Applets or JavaFX

ah yes, I did read that posting earlier, but then went looking for the latest versions and somehow ended up wih a much larger code base :slight_smile: I’m a bit worried about using applets for this just because of the way Sun has been messing with applet life cycles recently. Have you had any issues with that? or any of the other numerous bugs that seem to plague applets, like failing to start, initialising more than once etc etc? Also are the applets able to cache the native lib files & jars locally? or do they get downloaded each time? It’s a long time since I played within the applet sandbox :slight_smile:

I dont really understand your question, so maybe the answer… I got no problem with the custom jogl extension builtin 3DzzD as I keep full control over the Applet life cycle and JOGL version like :

1- Standard Applet start
2 - If the user ask for hardware support and have a recent JVM it popup a security dialog box
=> 3 - if the user answer “Yes” then it download JOGL and initialise it
4 - applet continue to run