JGadget - fake 3d rendering in Java

AMD Brazos E-450. I got 12-15 fps when either fog on or ultra quality. When both came together, I got 9 fps. I don’t know if you just implemented mouse look after my first try, but my previous try was better and no bug like others mentioned.

To produce that “wave” bug, walk while crouching.

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "sun.java2d.opengl" "write")
	at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
	at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.System.setProperty(Unknown Source)
	at engine.WebLauncher.init(WebLauncher.java:43)
	at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTAppletAdapter.init(Unknown Source)
	at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Should be fixed now (on the gamejolt one)

The game-jolt one indeed launches, and prints ‘CLICK TO FOCUS’ in screen.

Clicking it doesn’t make the game start :frowning:

Works perfectly fine for me D:!

Surprisingly works swimmingly on Mac OS X Chrome.

Same here :frowning:

Windows Vista, Java 1.7.0_03

Same here :frowning:

Mageia Linux 1, OpenJDK 1.6

AMD Brazos E-450 1.65GHz? That one? The one with 2 cores?
Well that explains your 10 fps :P!

update :slight_smile:
I worked on the guns a little bit, giving them better collisions and a simple smoke particle
press 1 for pistol
press 2 for flamethrower

you can also left click to fire guns

So this machine can run Civ 5 and Halo 2 well but not this? Hmm complicated ;D


Thank you for the JAR. I get about 15 FPS in ultra quality. The mouse cursor is still visible (you could use a transparent image as a cursor to “hide” it), the full screen mode is not working, the task bar is drawn above your window because of an AWT bug with KDE 4. It is quite nice :slight_smile: Of course, I keep in mind that you use a very low resolution and a lot of clipping. Why not adding an option to completely disable clipping and to use the current resolution instead of switching to another one? Keep up the good work.

It could really need some (i.e. a lot of!) optimizations…i tried it on an old AthlonX2 @ 2.4Ghz and the fps display never exceeded 5fps…and it felt even slower. The same machine can run this software rendered thingy at 30-80fps in 640*480: http://www.jpct.net/quapplet/. I would expects this much simpler engine to spit out at least 80fps…and not 5… :wink:

My machine is worse than yours (AMD Sempron 2600+, single core) but JGadget is at least third times faster with it, why?

Edit.: your example rocks ;D

No idea. Maybe caused by the fact that the jar version runs full screen (i couldn’t get the applet to do anything except on my main machine) and has to scale up somehow?

There isn’t a lot of optimizations I can do for the engine, except change what is used to draw all the graphics :P.

Look at 3DzzD’s source code, it uses a software renderer too.

It was a bit slower with the applet but still faster and anyway, full screen is partially broken with KDE 4.

well actually with Slicks API being so similar in use, a switch would be easy.

May I ask. How did you do this?

Do what?
Calculating the points was the hardest thing to do in this engine (and it still wasn’t even that complicated :P) just a very slight amount of trigonometry (and I only just passed Geometry in school :D). Once you have all the points, texturing is as simple as drawing vertical images that are of different sizes, and only draw part of a whole texture (to get that skewed texture effect). :slight_smile: