Java4K 2013!

Hey appel, I can’t seem to register on the Register page of

I got this error as soon as I click “Register” button:

I tried on Chrome and IE (although I’m pretty sure this is a server side problem).

appel, I can’t seem to find Is it up?

Alan :slight_smile:

It’s working for me… :persecutioncomplex:

It’s working for me now. Must have been a reboot or a duff DNS cache.

It’s up :slight_smile: was temporarily down because of reboot.

I decided to modify one rule: (not popular after contest starts, I know)

[quote]The Applet window size may not exceed 800 pixels horizontally or 600 pixels vertically. This is a guideline however, games can exceed this limit if it’s deemed acceptable by, although exceeding this is at your own risk. Some games do require more horizontal or vertical space, and it is allowed to exceed it a tiny bit. But be careful of exceeding the vertical limit, as vertical space is more limited on computer screens.
Green is the new text.

The reason for this is… well, some games actually slipped in that are slightly larger than 800x600, and I don’t see any reason to reject the submissions. 800x600 is an arbitrary limit just to set some limit, going slightly larger is fine, but going somewhat larger may not be.

I guess someone is going to say “I spent a lot of time making my game to fit inside 800x600, and are you telling me now that I could have done it in 840x610??? THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!”. Well, sorry… drama queen :slight_smile:

I think it’s better and less hassle just to modify the rule (takes me 30 seconds) rather than tell those forgetful poor souls they need to spend hours in an attempt to squeeze their game into that frame.


I’m unable to login to the site to submit my game (I’ve forgotten either the username or the password, I suppose - site doesn’t tell me which), and there’s no “Forgot your password?” type link that I can find. Are you able to give me access to my account again somehow?

Thanks in advance,

Appel ? Hello? I still can’t register, with the same error. Is it just me ??

Strange, I’ve registered one account in Firefox and another in Opera, and everything went through smoothly.

Derp. My bad. I was already registered with that username.
Anyway maybe you should eliminate this weird warning in this case.

For thread clarity, Appel has been in touch and has help me reset my password. Thanks :slight_smile:

Time’s almost up, so make sure your final version is in by the end of february (tomorrow)!

The site’s down again. Another reboot?

Up where I am.

Unfortunately I think the site is pretty unstable.
I just opened the site to search for my entry, found it, copied the link to send to a friend then the link wouldn’t open for him. Neither for me anymore.

I’ve tried to access the site several times last days and roughtly half of the times I got a DOS.
Do you have so many hits to bring the server down ? Or maybe is something else ?

It’s an hardware issue. I’m working on getting a new box hopefully in the next 2-3 days.