Java 2D game programming guide

Actually there is this sticky in the Newbie forum.

Ah, yes. That’s a pretty good system, actually. There’s a built-in search bar with something like google instant that pops up when you try to post something.

We programmers love to solve problems exactly once, turning boilerplate code into a library routine that gets called, and get frustrated when we have to repeat ourselves because of some inexpressiveness in the language or whatever. Problem is, new people are always being born, growing up, coming here, learning java (not a total order there) and pretty much everyone learns in one of just a few ways, few of which involve digging in to all the resources at hand before engaging the community. You can build up resources, but like it or not, it’s still a process that you’ll have to repeat constantly.

Personally, I’d rather have that problem than a dead community or even a large one that had the atmosphere of a reading room. Obviously that isn’t to sanction helpless noobs who just want spoonfeeding all the time, but otherwise I think we should take pride in how much we give newbies the benefit of the doubt.

And we can increase our post counts too! ;D

@ ra4king: I stand corrected :stuck_out_tongue: