
Either modify jFuzzyLogic to use the new version of jFreeChart and remove the old version it depends on, or change the package names (but keep all the classes) for the old jFreeChart stuff and modify jFuzzyLogic to use the new package names. Since they’re LGPL, any modified version of jFuzzyLogic & its jFreeChart dependency you create should be made publicly available.

@BoBear2681: The problem is I don’t know how to do it ;D
@ra4king: Yeah I know. I don’t remove the new one because my project uses it. However even I say so, on runtime my project use old one together with jFuzzyLogic.

If anyone want to waste their time for looking my project.

After removing the new library from you project, all freechart dependencies should be resolved by the included fuzzy lib.

Gonna try that, I don’t know if eclipse can search deeper into inside someone’s jar to find jar.

The JFreeChart stuff is not included as jar inside the FuzzyLogic jar, but directly as class files.

So what the point of including jar inside lib folder? :confused: weird jFuzzyLogic.