I'll do art for your projects!

My MS Paint skills came in handy! :point:

Now this, but completely different.

There is a pupil, you’re just looking at it wrong. It’s not colored yet, so I understand. Also, there isn’t a pupil on the sprite, it’s just a glare. So I didn’t specifically make a pupil due to that.


Shocked expression, with a slight scared overtone. I can do shocked in the expression of excited if you want.


I did it anyway.


Shocked expression, with a slight scared overtone. <- he kind of looks like he’s heard some really bad news and is about to cry. It’s something about the curve at the back of the mouth lol :slight_smile:

I can do shocked in the expression of excited if you want. <---- I really like this one!

Nice work, Riven and Skyaphid! 8) Skyaphid’s has scared feel inside and Riven’s has pupil with “wth” feel. Both are nice.

If you like it, I’ll color it and prepare it for you to throw somewhere in your game. Want me too?

Onegai Shimasu ;D

From what I remember, that means please, or to do. So I’ll redraw and color this afternoon after school. This was a sketch, the last one is going to be better :wink: