Sure. However, I know that that source is an unnecessary hack, and an abuse of java, concommitant with someone who doesn’t “think” in java, and probably doesn’t understand it properly. My experiences with similar people in the past - often very good at C++ or some other languages - suggest that this general pattern carries over into other areas of their development. Overall, this tends to exacerbate the knock-on negative effects on the practicality of developing and maintaining any of their source, and hence a negative effect on profitability of their employer.
That said, I was probably overly harsh. Suffice it to say, my natural reaction would be to fire anyone doing something like that, and go pay $100k for a decent highly-experienced development-team leader instead.
Just writing bad source, or fulfilling a game project at 20% greater cost than you ought to have done do not in themselves prevent you from doing the rest of your job (e.g. delivering the project at all is more important than doing so at optimum cost), nor destroy businesses, but they do tend to be bad for the business. So, sure, the company could be the most successful company in the world, but that doesn’t mean their staff are all perfect, or even all competent at the roles they’re in. Look at id games - developers have worked there who, with hindsight, were clearly mediocre. That situation is repeated all over the industry.