How hard (or easy) is a foe?

I appreciate all the help and points of view.

The game I am creating is kind of a world simulation, and the fear factor is really more for tiny little creatures running around, rather than whether dragon A and defeat dragon B.

Plus in the later levels, if I don’t scale the spawn levels, I want the lower level creepy crawlies to fear you and run away from you.

Additionally, there are fights between spawn and creatures in the world completely independent of the character, so I wanted something in the ball park, and not necessarily exactly exact.

I also now have the idea of using this rating in a chance to fear roll in the game as well.

I am continuing to experiment with the algo so I can ball park it.

Cheers for all your thoughts.

Just mess around with different variables until you get something that works.
There is no more reason to discuss this.
Get back to making your game ;D

have people play the game, and rate the enemies. put that into your intimidation stat.

Maybe just use an extremely simple approach: give each tiny little creature a “tinyLittleCreature” flag and define behaviour as follows: creatures with tinyLittleCreature == true run away from creatures with tinyLittleCreature == false, but not from creatures with tinyLittleCreature == true.