[quote]“The look and feel does not match the operating system. (e.g. The filechooser… oh god.)”
The same thing can be said for Google Chrome. Or any HTML5 front-end for that matter.
General purpose GUI isn’t a problem – often, a non-standard layout/UI can improve workflow, visual hierarchy, etc.
But when you require the user to interact with their operating system, as is the case with file choosers, it should behave as natively as possible. I cringe every time I use an application with a custom file chooser (i.e. any Swing application).
[quote]Oh no, the future will be extremely slow with HTML5, 2 FPS to display a teapot with an Nvidia Quadro FX 5000 (able to treat about 1 billion triangles per second) even with the latest driver and the latest stable version of Mozilla Firefox… I prefer Java
Call me a visionary… but I suspect we’ll see some performance increases in the next few years.
Besides, we’re talking about GUI applications, not hardware accelerated real-time 3D rendering. (And, for the record, generally a 3D teapot in HTML5/WebGL will blow Swing/JavaFX out of the water.)
[quote]And also, the native L&F of Swing very, very closely matches that of the OS. Well, Windows, anyway. Close enough that I don’t care. Then again I like to switch to a custom L&F anyway.
I agree that Swing doesn’t look so bad on Windows. On Mac, though, the difference between native apps and Swing apps is night and day. File chooser being one of my biggest irks.
[quote]… the JVM seems to start up pretty quickly for me, too. At least so quick that I don’t notice it being slow.
I’ve been working with PyQt a lot, and I’ve been very impressed by its “responsiveness.” Double-clicking a PyQt application opens the GUI immediately (even though the code is interpreted and the GUI is generated using a “ui” file). Whereas all of the Swing apps I’ve tried on Windows and Mac have a short delay after double-clicking the JAR.
This might be a Swing startup issue rather than a JVM startup issue. Or maybe I’m just crazy…