
Happy new year!! ;D :wink:

Happy new year everyone!

We had a topic for the 2017 new year, here was my response:

Well, I now teach software development to newbies, so I actually accomplished this goal! Off to a good start :slight_smile:

Didn’t get either of these done, although we did record the EP. We’re just waiting to release it early 2018. But the tour? Lol. Yeah, no that didn’t happen.

I finished a few projects, but nothing I would put on my resume. I also finished way more non-programming projects.

I actually mostly accomplished this! But I don’t do a picture a week, I do one a day! I’ve had large gaps of days where I don’t do it but I’m alright with that, because I like photography and I don’t want to make myself hate it.

Good news! Still not fat. Bad news, I didn’t really commit to working out as much I would have liked to. I still work out occasionally, but not as much as I told myself I would at the beginning of the year.

Well… I teach new developers for a living now so ;D

I actually deleted my Reddit account! So yay :smiley:

I think mid to late 2017 I started to realize that I don’t like “just” being a software developer. I love building software, but I hate the idea of working in another office. Working on projects I don’t care about for someone else makes me feel just terrible. I have nightmares about working in another office again. But I love working for myself and trying to start profitable projects. I also really started to understand that I love photography and playing music. So in 2018 I would love to continue to develop my skills as a photographer and musician, and I’d also like to start building out my ideas for businesses so that hopefully in late 2018/2019 I can maybe work for myself!

He sounds like a very interesting person. I’ll try to find that book and give it a read. It’s funny though, the reviews on Amazon are very extreme on both sides. This one is very negative:


@opiop, nice work being a programming teacher, must be fun. What language do they make the students learn? At my local university they seem to mostly do Java and python.

May be some good points in that, but they’re not really who the book is aimed at, and it comes across as a bit of an arrogant rant from someone who’s credentials are unknown and was still in junior school when this “game” was created. For comparison take this NY Times article from 2002, and some of the people quoted in it (and I’ve seen various similar) - http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/02/arts/man-who-would-be-god-giving-robots-life.html - eg.

I have a soft spot for self-taught outsiders, particularly those who teach the establishment a thing or two - read of that what you will! ;D

This was an interesting year for me. I went from semi homeless druggie to recovering to college student over the course of nine months. I’m most proud of learning more about machine learning and mathematics though. Discovering the exact career path you want to take is a fantastic feeling. My plan is to attain a PhD in computational data science and do research in the area.
I was also invited by a professor to participate in a research project in Cambodia over the summer and made lots of connections in general which I am quite happy with.