Hallucinogenesis alpha test

Doesn’t Elvis live forever? So you can easily drop the “lives” ;D

Instead of using lives you could do other things:

Maybe allow Elvis to “rest” - if he isn’t hit by an obstacle for a certain period of time his health slowly increases.

Additionally you could add “health packs”, “rock’n’roll energy pills” or whatever. Collecting those would increase health.
Maybe randomly distributed across rooms.

Or allow Elvis to collect a “health pack” which is fired once in each room and floats around for five seconds …

BTW: I liked the short explanations on the first levels (shoot me, catch me, collect the starfish…) - helps newbies. Maybe “F1” on a level could give a hint on how to proceed? On the other hand I preferred to figure it out myself…
…this is a great little game :slight_smile:


Cas: Framerate has taken a dive on my system in this incarnation.

Athlon XP 2400+
1.5 GB
XP sp1
Radeon 9200

Here is a thought… Change Elvis for Johnny Bravo and sell it to the cartoon network.

any day now mumma
G D’Arc

erk, what sort of dive?

Cas :slight_smile:

Found the problem alt tabbed across to background and the Half frame rate was caused by

Firewall dialog x3 Communication Attempt by Javaw.exe
Modeller complained about Direct3D Device connection lost due to interaction with Direct3D by another application.

My Bad.

Ye… runs still very well :slight_smile:

Two things:

#1 I can see boarders around the quads wich build the title screen eg in the top left that rectangular thing with “puppy games” in it.

#2 I was unable to finish that blob level. Killed the whole blob… these green thingies appeared… collected em, but not enough. Blob reappeared… killed it and then… nothing. Nothing happened anymore and I could still fire.

#1 - yeah I know, something to do with my texture packing, must fix it…
#2 - quite likely a bug there, yes :wink:

Cas :slight_smile:

hi cas you wanted bug reports:

does not run on Linux - XFree 4.3 - ATI Radeon 9800XT (fglrx 3.9.0)

The screen goes black and nothing happens. One can eject to the console and kill it. When coming back to X the screen is at a lower screen size.
(happens with AF 1.5d too)

however LWJGL in windowed mode is fine …

Sounds like a driver issue. But then again it might have been caused by the new ARB pixel format code. I will upload a new one tonight (with more levels and the pooltable fixed!) and you can tell me if it works.

Cas :slight_smile:

Wow fun game.
Runs fine on P3 55mhz Gforce 2 mx 200 340mb ram

Wow a P3 with 55mhz :o

Guess you ment 550mhz :slight_smile:

Is that “fine” as in, sorta runs ok, or “fine” as in, runs at the required 60fps, rock-solid?

Cas :slight_smile:

very addictive…

very smooth except when you grab one of the collectables. the shockwaves slow it down a bit for an instant.

inspiron 1 ghz GeForce 2 Go (you know this sort of system, right?)

Runs perfeclty smooth on my Pentium IV, 3 Ghz
also nice colors, good sound, and fine game play.
I see some very original elements in this game.
Keep it up.
Great Work.
Dimmen ::slight_smile:

Great little game, runs almost fine on my dual PIII 750 w/GeForce4 Ti4200 (128megs DDR). The only issue I have is that the exit button doesn’t seem to do anything after a game is over. Alt-F4 kills the game, but mouse focus is lost in Windows completely until you ctrl-alt-del a time or two, then everything’s okay again. $1.99? You’ll have my money.

Little do ye know that the game is actually $19.95, but on installation it gives you a “special offer” to buy it for .

Cas :slight_smile:

ps. If anyone has been unable to download Super Elvis under JRE1.5.0beta2, it’s because of a bug in the JVM. Download the latest beta3 snapshot and it works just fine.

Cas :slight_smile:

Great new theme song by the way… this game is really shaping up.
