Gosh, it's quiet in here

I’m not sure what’s going on in this thread but the excitement of everyone in here makes me excited too lol

I’m a daily lurker as well :smiley:

So has this died?

Nope it isn’t. I’m still working on it Roi. Only that I’m having a tough time looking to port the post contents.

Hey SHC,

I’m a DBA at Money Supermarket in the UK. I think I might be able to help you out migrating all of the data over. Just a little background, we have over 50 SQL servers and over 600 Database instances running. We are constantly moving data between schemas so please message me and we’ll talk on Discord

Has this project died completely? Is there any work that could be done to help with it?

Nope it isn’t dead. I’m just waiting for some issues in the Flarum and mainly waiting for it to get to stable. It’s mostly done except for some issues in porting the post content. Feel free to look into the code and test it out.

Discussions!! Still not complete, but the first look just for those of you interested:

Currently, only topics are migrated. Posts in it aren’t. I need to know all the custom implemented BBCode tags here in order to be able to do that.

@Riven Can you list me all custom tags that are enabled here? I only knew icode, code and youtube tags.

Posts in topics are now migrated!!

It seems in very old posts, code tags aren’t being used. And also from quotations that were made from deleted posts, it seems to produce some empty quote tags. Will look into it.

I think I need some help with optimizations now. I’ve previously never worked with PHP nor MySQL, so I know my code just aims to look pretty. However, it is performing so bad, that it is now taking me complete two days just to migrate all the users, ignore the posts.

Can anyone lend me a hand? The latest code is already in GitHub along with instructions: https://github.com/sriharshachilakapati/JGO-Flarum-Migration/

Typically you use plain old SQL queries in data-migration. It would probably take a second or two to migrate the JGO user-table into any other application-specific user-table.

I think the lwjgl guys use(d?) the same forum and they installed a mobile friendly theme (not migrated to a new one I guess) and it helps a lot at least for start as I can read it on my mobile.

To the original topic: people, espedially young people wants everything to be done quick. The thing how its dirty or how it really works does not matter, at least not that much. Thats why nodejs exists. And its not just true for game writing, its true for every aspect of life. So sad.

I read an article about why ludum dare shoukd deny engines like unity and I used to say not the tool the goal there, but nowadays I would say, the article was right.

Interesting view, I read your response as an answer to the question of why fewer young or new developers choose Java and visit this forum: they prefer scripting languages and ready-made engines and build chains such as unity rather than lower level languages such as java where you have to do everything manually.

I sometimes think that these engines such as unity in some ways fulfill the write once run anywhere promise that java originally had. Plus they have a very rich eco system of assets and tutorials. Java has its own libgdx which is great and helps with that, but smaller scale obviously than unity.

Since artists, animators, designers and programmers are often familiar with unity’s told and build chain, I imagine it’s become the defacto standard in professional game development.

Even @princec used unity in his latest highly polished game Basingstoke.

A younger version of myself would probably choose unity to make games. However, I’m glad I learned Java which is much more useful for general programming such as servlets.

Unity’s a bit crap in some ways.

I started to like C# for a bit… and then I got annoyed by it. C# is very much Java 5 + Blackjack and hookers, like someone said "screw you I’m gonna make my own language like Java with " but didn’t quite think it all through to the end.

That said… I really want to pinch some features from C# now. Value types, pass by reference for value types, multidimensional arrays, extension methods, and true generic templates, all make life genuinely much more excellent.

But Unity hasn’t helped us at all.

Cas :slight_smile:

You forgot the built-in properties support too… I also like the async methods and built-in events and delegate system.

I would like to extend it a little and say that people these days wants to not be programmer and create the application at the same time. That’s one of the things that makes engines very popular. I’ve found that, for example, for managers it’s very attractive to find some easy engine where any wanna-be-developer can just click some buttons and generate whole application… and it fails so brutally hard usually. Or hire team of developers to create generic engine where he or any other excel-powerpoint-fullstack-developer can just put some content and create application. That’s how it works today.

Of course, solutions like using game dev engines are very effective and you DRY a lot. It is making your work easier and efficient (as long as you are in the boundaries of your framework’s/engine’s ideology. Otherwise, you have to hack everything to get it work like you want and it is even harder to achieve correct result).

I am not using unity or unreal engine because it’s not giving me enough control over my application that I want (and I love programming :D).
But I have to say that exporting games to xbox or ps is so attractive. Is there any possibility to do this with Libgdx? I don’t know much about game consoles.

Other thing is programming language itself. For about half year ago I’ve started to more often use scala then java and I like it. But here we got a different programming paradigm (and scala’s syntactic sugar that is so great and hard to understand at the same time).

Well, I gave almost 1 year for unity. And actually, I really love it. I mean, the editor and the UX is just top. What I did not like is that:

  • Asset store calling me in my dreams. “Don’t write your own, just buy that one, its better than yours”
  • C# -> It’s OK, but I pretty much love Java

So it’s easy. My mentality really has to fight against the “you don’t have to reinvent the wheel, others did it, and did it better, than you can do ever”. Somehow it’s true. You click the Ambient Occlusion and its done. But… isn’t better if you know how it really works? I think yes, you should learn.

I really want to ship my idea asap, but it has a price. I can ship it with a tool, that teaches me not to learn everything but use others’ code.

Pro-con. I vote for write your own, and sometimes I use unity just to get some ideas and run away from the problems.

Actually those features I don’t really like that much. Properties support is just crap syntactic sugar and tbh solves nothing important and doesn’t even save much typing. Though I’m on the fence about the continuations support though I can’t help but feel that continuations are some sort of giant bodge masking a terrible failure in conception but I haven’t quite managed to see through the magic yet to figure out what it is about them that bothers me so.

Cas :slight_smile:

So no one wants multi-line strings?

Oh, them too :slight_smile: Just haven’t used them in C# this time around.

Cas :slight_smile: