lol, you guys are so funny. Cas’ pragmatic answer was to ask him to file a RFE for an API the thread opener is not using.
Sure you could merge both categories to ‘OpenGL’, compete against and GL forums which would encourage members to post api specific questions to / / Question is: where is the gain for JGO?
Thanks bienator. Ryanm, the restriction that I mentioned should protect us from what bienator explained to us better than me. I have already explained what I meant, speaking about another API which is a competitor of JOGL does not solve the problem that is related on JOGL, JOGL is not a stalled project, using another API is not the solution. If you want to speak about both APIs, a better place is the general OpenGL section. Using a thread opened by someone asking for help on JOGL to promote a competitor of JOGL is not what I call a pragmatic answer, is that clear now?
In my humble opinion, it would be almost the same and maybe even worse than now, the same people would use threads opened by people asking for help to promote something and it would be considered acceptable because there would be no API-specific section.