Final Kapster

  • oops, fixed.
  • enter now skips intro instead of escape.
  • skip button added.

new highscore.
This time I played for score and chain boni (not as much fun because it is like having ONE life).
And I was not polite to my girlfriend when she tried to disturb me.

I agree. I can perfect the first three levels, but if I die I have to just go back to the main menu. Then the bonus stage is too random, sometimes I can chain almost all of them, sometimes they come in such patterns that I can’t chain them and it ruins my score. The difference between chaining the whole bonus level and messing up means, if you are going for a high score, you might as well just go back to the main menu. Because it isn’t all in your hands, it is very stressful/frustrating!

I added a new second highest score, but can’t play anymore! You win. :frowning:

Maybe limit chain to a certain maximum … like 7 or so … so you dont lose much if you kill the wrong enemy or die

cool game! i like the art style, but the music sore somehow irritates me :slight_smile:
it shows how much polish can go into a “simple” game and make it outstanding!

Just uploaded an update, tried to address some of the issues, made some tweaks and bug fixes.

  • should be slightly easier now, switched to a duel hit box, bullet collecting hit box is slightly bigger, so easier to collect bullets and ship hit box is smaller, so harder to die.
  • now theres a 1/200 chance that killing an enemy ship will drop an extra life.
  • added a few more sfx.
  • boss added, and will now appear after every 10 waves.
  • pause feature added, you can now pause the game with the P key.
  • fixed the X font

  • bumped the max score by an extra digit (now a max of 99,999,999, instead of 10 million-1)

Pretty awesome game! :slight_smile:

Like the Final Countdown song :wink:

I notice a little mouse bug there when switching between tabs in Firefox (Windows XP). The game cursor takes over.

Wonderful!! ;D
Loved all aspects of the game but that intro was especially awesome :smiley:
I wonder if it is only me but sometimes after switching out of the game panel into some other browser-tab, the browser freezes out until forced to shut down.

thx for testing, btw which OS and Browser are you using?

OS: Windows XP professional sp3.
Browser: firefox 3.5.3

LOVE it! Fantastic work!

Hi evryone 8)

T’ was said earlier that the 3d effects of this game are not mimicked but are real 3D through openGL. Could you give a general idea how one can add and manipulate 3D graphics on top of a traditional 2D game framework?


It’s very very easy.

Step 1: Set up your viewport (either ortho or frustum, basically)
Step 2: Make sure depth testing is off.
Step 3: Draw all your 2D crap (if you’re using ortho, just do it using X/Y coordinates, if you’re using frustum, rotate it against the camera)
Step 4: Turn depth testing on.
Step 5: Draw all your 3D crap.

Getting stuff to line up just right can be a slightly difficulty but (especially if you’re using ortho) it really isn’t very hard at all.

Cool. many Thanks Demonpants :slight_smile:

it goes without saying that it’s great, but

Final Countdown, omg…

apart from the fact that I don’t like it, which is taste and subjective; why not something original ?
never heard of a game using a mainstream song as BG music… aside from MJ’s Moonwalker obviously

mainstream music and video games - do not fit together

The Final Countdown fits with EVERYTHING.

More like nothing :<

Well I’m fine with any game having AC/DC as BG music for example, but still… mainstream music in games, no no

I guess now by thinking of it, many racing games have mainstream music
but obviously they have much of it, and in good games you can actually select for every song if you ever want to hear it (NFS)