Ferrari3D: java3d racing game/simulation/tech demo

good job

I am currently working on mu own racing game and but I am facing some problems with moving my car. I want it to look realistic (including acceleration for example) so decided to go with KeyNavigatorBehavior but still its not really what I want, could you tell me how did you implement the way to control the mobile ?

cheers, Lukasz

Hey man, I really think the HUD is gonna kill your frame rates. I’ve tried painting on the Canvas before in my game and it was killer. Now I’m painting on several small QuadArrarys for each major group in my HUD (this is for a space sim game).

And how do you fill your Quads? I found that painting with Java2D and creating a new texture each frame can be a performance drain as well.

You paint with Java2D in both cases. The difference is you DO NOT have to repaint every frame when using a QuadArray; however, you DO have to repaint every frame when painting on the Canvas. This is where you can save performance. I can’t remember how often I update (every x milliseconds or something - I can check when I go home if you want).

Make sense?

makes sense

OTOH this would not make a smooth HUD (e.g. for a flightsim) possible, which needs to be updated each frame?

Not true. You have to think about the information that is being convaied in the HUD. For instance, console messages do not need to be updated all that often (b/c people aren’t typing and events aren’t happening every frame). Almost every peice of information in the HUD is static from frame to frame. So you take some time slice to determine when the HUD needs to really be updated. This can save you alot especially if you have transparency in your HUD.

BTW, what does OTOH mean?
Is it although?

OTOH == on the other hand

Think of a HUD that you have in jet sims, current horizon, angle-of-attack and so on. These displays have to me smooth.

I’d not call console text to be a HUD, thats just a GUI. HUD is a defined term in avionics.

Well, in video games a HUD is usually defined as the tertiary information that is displayed to the user.
In FPS’s, health, ammo, number of lives, and etc are common elements in the HUD. And yes, text are very much an important function of the HUD.

I agree that HUD components need to be smooth. But smooth != updating every frame. Some HUD components might need to be updated more often then others, but still doesn’t necessitate every frame.

First of all, nice to see my thread bumped after six months. I actually did experiment with using Quads as a HUD, but the graphics looked fuzzt for some reason, and they were stuttering a bit. These problems seem to be standard for Java 3D users, just search on this forum for ´Java3D HUD´ and you´ll find multiple threads on this. I eventually decided that it wasn´t worth the haasle, and did my HUD the J3DGraphics2D way. The performance loss isn´t that bad, I still get a framerate between 25 and 35, which I think isn´t that bad.

yea, but try running the game on an older system. I was shot, fired, and burned at the stake when my buddy couldn’t run an alpha of my game b/c his 5 year old PC couldn’t get more then a few frames a second (I was getting about 25 - 35 FPS on my system w/ a Geforce7800). Once I changed to Quad Arrays, he can now play smoothly (not sure of his FPS but its playable for him).

As for the fuzzy problem, I know in the past I have had issue’s with using Text3D and scaling. You also might run into that using awt on a texture if your image size isn’t a power of two. So you may want to try that.

Hi there Mr. Gol,

I was looking forward to trying out your car game but unfortunately the link seems to be changed to an IP virus checker ???
Is there anywhere else that the download is available from??

Thanks a mill,


IrishPaddy, please be so kind to check when the OP was posted :)… it was 6 years ago! :o

Well Mr Gol has been active lately (just check his profile), so I don’t think it’s so bad that he posted here.