Fatal error when rendering text

Scratch that. There was a longstanding bug in the Texture class where it was returning incorrect values from getSubImageTexCoords() in the case where neither GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two nor GL_ARB_texture_rectangle was available and the texture was flipped vertically. I’ve filed and fixed Issue 287 regarding this. Please try a nightly build dated 3/16 or later. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the test case.

Ken, thank you very much for your help!!!
Your fix helps with the problem I had, labels seem to be rendered properly now. Thanks a lot!!!

However, I checked the message from SimonH (see above), who reported a lock-up after a
certain font size has been reached. I found that the method compactImpl() in class RectanglePacker
runs in an infinite loop, which causes lock-up. Maybe you would like to check that to make sure
that even huge text can be rendered. (As far as I’m concerned, I could limit the text size in my app, so
take it easy).

Thanks again!

If the width of the string being rendered exceeds the maximum OpenGL texture size, yes, the current code is not going to work. SimonH, please feel free to file a bug about this with the Issue Tracker on the JOGL home page.