early version of Cube-Space

Nah, but my strategy was simple:

Render the entire scene to a texture larger than the viewport (or rerender the entire scene to a 256^2 texture, whichever is faster, which depends on the complexity of your scene). Then render that texture to a texture 256*256 with a fragment shader, that calculates the brightness (you might want to compensate for the human eye sensitivity for R,G,B).

Then render that texture to 128^2, 64^2, 32^2, 16^2 textures, don’t go (much) further.

Now you additive-blend all those textures to a 256^2 texture, ofcourse you half the multiplication-factor with every smaller mipmap.

brightness = brightness*[depends_on_framerate] + (bloom256*0.250 + bloom128*0.125 * etc,etc)

Now simply draw that brightness texture on your scene. It gives the impression of being (slowly?) blinded by bright objects. You can fake a lot of effects by not hardcoding everything, but building feedback into it (from the tiny bloom maps, like 16^2. The brighter that tiny texture, the brighter your scene, and the less the bloom effect should be. This simulates your eyes very slowly (like >10s) adjusting to the brightness.

I added the feedbacking bloom as Riven described. Well, it’s a bit of a rough version of it (the scaling down of the bloom layers is done the simple and ugly way without shaders, so there’s still some popping).
It’s also currently a bit exaggerated, just to show it off (and reveal the shortcomings of the current implementation).

very nice work.

maybe I’m missing the point of the game style but the ability to look around might be useful (at least when your stationary), if only to get a better feel of the room your in and where you need to go.

Also being able to side step might be nice too, could save some unnecessary turning :slight_smile:

oh, and the bloom is nice.

Interesting. In my version the saturation reached much further. (like 100px)

Are you using a threshold, or some other way (square it) to ramp up the brightness in a non-linear way? (you should)

If you increase the weight of the tiny mipmaps and decrease the weight of the large mipmaps and increase the retain-factor (which causes the bloom to lag), then you’ll get a nicer effect :slight_smile:

Diagonal movement (for both the player and the robots) would kick ass, too.