[quote]The GIMP says
GIMP lies, sorry.
JPEG can hold arbitrary number of bands, AFAIK. And meaning of the bands is completely application-specific. For example, Photoshop uses 4-band JPEGs for storing CMYK images.
Take a look at com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGDecodeParam JavaDoc for more details. I have somewhere more detalied description of how it works, but I believe it is internal doc… I can not remember exacly…
Another point is that ImageIO JPEG decoding is native-code-accelerated in Java. Not the fastest one, but…
I am not a proponent of neither JPEG nor ImageIO, but for me ImageIO is most compatible image loading mechanism for a moment. If you consider porting another image loading lib, then it should be (I think) A) compatible with ImageIO; B) be Pure Java - I believe we should TRY to keep Xith3D Pure Java, otherwise it has no advantage of being used in Applets without purchasing VeriSign certificate (remember that JOGL comes signed by Sun already).