Convince me to ditch Eclipse. Or not.

There’s an option in Subclipse to change the “SVN Interface”. IIRC there’s JavaHL and PureJava, one of which talks to the regular svn binaries via jni and the other is a reimplementation of the svn client in java. I find that the default (pure java) was more problematic than the jni one. YMMV.

  1. had really slow autocompletion thats true. The whole editor API has been rewritten in v 6.0.

Try with JOGL… on my old machine, Eclipse was liable to hang for a number of minutes if I ever (often accidentally) let it try to complete a GL method or constant name without having already typed most of it… there must be thousands. The impact that these things actually have on performance seems very variable, though. I tried just now and it came up with the unfiltered list of GL methods within less than a couple of seconds (filtering to gl.glTex* still hung for over 20 seconds, though). I find it important, working with JOGL, to set it so I ONLY have completion happen when I press Ctrl + space. Eclipse certainly can be unresponsive at times - and is rarely what I’d call snappy - but I do like it a lot. I think it’s improved quite a bit over the years.

My new favourite Eclipse shortcut: Ctrl + 3. This brings up a search box, which as you type will search the names of files you have open in tabs, project properties, application preferences, menus and other useful things. Results are ordered so that previous choices are near the top. This is, for me, an incredibly efficient way of getting around the application and performing certain actions without needing to use the mouse or remember lots of obscure stuff. I really hope that more people will recognise what a good idea this type of thing is - I seem to remember Quicksilver in OSX has similarish sorts of capabilities, come to think of it. I may just have convinced myself that Apple could be my friend*.

Also, if they haven’t already, I’d recommend any Eclipse user to experiment with combinations of modifiers and cursor keys in the text editor. [Alt + left / right] go forwards and backwards to the last bits of code you modified (switching to different tabs if necessary). [Alt + shift + up / down] select larger or smaller blocks of code around the caret in sensible logical increments, etc etc. Well, these things float my boat, anyway. I daresay there are lots of nice touches in other systems, too.

Netbeans seems fairly decent, I’ve not used it much… occasionally use the UML tools; never seemed to find anything useful for Eclipse - probably hiding in plain sight somewhere… recommendations appreciated. GUI design in Netbeans seems to have something going for it.

  • tune in next time for anti-Jobs vitriol - I didn’t have much fun with macs as an undergrad…

for your small projects, give a try to jcreator :slight_smile:

NetBeans 6.5 autocompletion popup appears for gl.* in less than 2 seconds on my core duo 1.6GH notebook.

NetBeans has something similar its called quicksearch (strg+i) and is the textfield on the top right corner. It searches through IDE Actions, Options, Types in classpath of opened projects and Help. If you have installed the NB OpenGL Pack it will also display online resources like the OpenGL sdk and vendor specific extension documentation additional to the default sources (edit: screenshot).

I just tried --laf Nimbus the first time with u10, looks good but the scrollbars don’t convince me… :-\

I’ve had very little trouble with Eclipse on my Mac OS X, and it seems to start up faster than on XP (although that’s just a vague impression). Code completion generally works pretty quickly (unless doing something in swing, or with jogl, but even then it’s under 20 sec). I’ve been using the enterprise edition, so I have no idea if that affects anything.

Lately, there have been times where opening files seems to hang for way too long, but it happens about 1 in 1000 and tends to be when I’ve had my computer on for too many days in a row.

You could try increasing the different memory options for the jvm that Eclipse uses when starting up, this may help boost performance.

Depending on what you need, I find using Netbeans 6.x in Ubuntu linux very satisfying. It is fairly simple to use, on my machine it seems faster than eclipse, and you won’t find youself bundling it up with tempting plugins as much as eclipse.
However, the lack of plugins for netbeans might just be your problem

But if you just need a glorified texteditor with some project control and smaller IDE’s arent good enough, Netbeans would be the thing for you.

Oh and the gui builder in netbeans can take away a couple of hours if you wanna have fun with easy gui programming.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: