Depend on NCSoft forever? Once it is contributed back it then becomes the communities responsibility to maintain so NCSoft contributes great commercial support for Collada and then we can make any updates and changes necessary. I hardly believe that classifies as “depend NCSoft forever”. :-p
I know it may seem that I’m opposed to the idea of collaboration, but I’m definitely not. I am just honestly trying to determine what Xith has that can benefit jME. It sounds like we might be able to gain a lot from taking a look at how the Swing integration is done, but it seems hard to find a lot of common aspects that can be collaborated on. I would say model loading is a very good idea to provide engine-agnostic support in, but how do you go about that? Define one common model type like Collada or some binary format and standardize the implementation in both engines to simply support that one model and then collaborate on all the other model loaders to convert to that format?
-Matt Hicks
Croft actually did that with Xith3D - Collada.
You see, we found actually one things jME doesn’t have ;D ;D (although it’s not my goal and if you had it since long, then, well, I’m not gonna look for another )