Catch 22 for jogl

Already implemented in LWJGL :slight_smile:

ES is unlikely to disappear anytime soon, especially with opengl es 2.0 now becoming somewhat of standard on most mobile devices and being adopted as WebGL’s minimum requirement.

Since Khronos has actually got their act together and is releasing ES and GL updates (like GL4.0) at regular intervals, Jogl is looking in an increasingly fractured and in a tenuous position. With Jogl 1.x feature frozen at GL3.0 with many outstanding bugs, and Jogl 2.x perpetually in homeless beta you’d have a hard time justifying picking Jogl for any serious project.

Why is it LWJGL wrapper is able to follow bleeding edge OpenGL specs so fast. It does not have a massive budget or labour man hours. Is/Has always been JOGL just a homeless child within (ex)Sun?


Cas :slight_smile:

The funny thing is that often these things are the result of ‘heroic’ efforts made by individuals, and has little to do with the project or community. Every project needs its hero, and JOGL is the shining example of lacking one.

Which bugs? It is not homeless, it is still used by many corporations. My own work (I’m an engineer) consists in using JOGL for a very serious project and I’m not alone to do the same choice. I work with an expert in 3D visualization and before meeting me, he did not even know JOGL has a competitor, he used JOGL for several serious projects too (pay-the-bills jobs as Renanse says).

Please stop FUD!

It has been very easy to convince my immediate superiors to use JOGL ;D

I don’t wish to defame anyone but I am quite incredulous as to how someone claiming to be an expert in 3D visualisation (and presumably Java) hadn’t heard of LWJGL. Just a little tiny bit of research turns it up.

Cas :slight_smile:

Actually he is an expert in OpenGL and C/C++ not in Java otherwise he would do my job and I would not have been hired.

Edit.: lots of French small corporations use JOGL 2 like this one:

Michael, it would be fine to add a pointer to this site into the definitive website of JOGL.