Can't get anything to work on a mac

As for CaftCraft, I used a normal Jar.

Maybe you have a problem loading the pack200.gz format

I just tried this out on Before Z, with the test at:

Can someone who was having issues with the version out at check if this version works?

I also have 3 different versions of the Graveyard, which use slightly different methods for attempting to render an int-array backed image to the screen:

(the links at the top select between the 3 tests)

still white only

I think I found the problem - I wasn’t waiting for the applet to become active before starting the run() method. I hope these are working on Mac now:

Before Z
Graveyard 4k

Thanks to everyone who’s helping me work through these issues.

works now on my mac :slight_smile:

[quote]Just write a PHP script that does something like this

I have very little knowledge of PHP, but if you combine your code snippet with something like this it may provide a solution for OS X users.


I have very little knowledge of PHP, but if you combine your code snippet with something like this it may provide a solution for OS X users.
I think appel should do that, not me.

I think appel should do that, not me.
“You” doesn’t necessarily mean you :wink: The lovely English language is to thank for that… Tip: Use “one” instead zeroone and you’ll not get confusions

(Or zeroone actually meant you in which case you’re right about pointing to appel ;))



English isn’t that hard after all eh? It boils down to logic.

Besides, the problem has been identified and solved:

[quote]“You” doesn’t necessarily mean you The lovely English language is to thank for that… Tip: Use “one” instead zeroone and you’ll not get confusions

(Or zeroone actually meant you in which case you’re right about pointing to appel )
My apologies for the ambiguity. By “you”, I actually meant, “anyone who wants to prove that they have some serious kick ass PHP skills”. I started reading a PHP book in response to Riven’s post. PHP is a surprisingly powerful language. I’ll probably be able to supply a script by next year’s competition unless someone creates one before then.

Hi, in our server we use apache to deliver pack200 files without any programming

we added in an .htaccess file

AddType application/x-java-archive .jar
AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file .jnlp

<Files *.jar.pack.gz>
  AddEncoding pack200-gzip .jar
  RemoveEncoding .gz

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} pack200-gzip
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.pack.gz -f
RewriteRule ^(.*\.jar)$ $1.pack.gz [NC,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.gz -f
RewriteRule ^(.*\.jar)$ $1.gz [NC,L]

Options -MultiViews

hope it helps

So, here’s an interesting update. I played a game from my home computer today and it worked great, so I assumed this was because of the game. In actuality, it’s laggy as hell (2 FPS) on my work machine, like everything else. The work machine is significantly faster.

As far as I recall, my home machine is using 32-bit Java 1.6. My work machine is 64-bit 1.6. So, looks like 64-bit Java is completely borked for applets on Mac. Nothing for it, really. Interestingly enough, 4Kanabalt works great on the 64-bit machine, as well as my own game P4ndemiK. So there is some rendering choice that does it, although looks like the majority of games are using it.