Burning Man

just noticed this game on the front page of reddit

nice job :slight_smile:

DzzD, Gudradain: Congrats. Don’t get too cocky though, I might release a pack of levels I rejected because they were too damn hard ;). Or I can at least release the level editor.

Markus Persson: I was wondering why my number of downloads doubled overnight, then I saw that it was on your blog. Thanks!

kapta: Yeah, a friend insisted that I post it. I didn’t realize quite how many downloads it’d get me though, I might have to go post BugWar too so it doesn’t get jealous.

I found the levels challenging enough, ofc I passed all.

Can you release those “hard” levels outside of the 4k competition? It’s fun to play this game.


Here’s your reward :smiley:


Well done SquashMonster! :smiley:

A great reward would be to have great publicity on big sites such as articles and interviews.

Thank you, everyone.

Did you ever get around to making a “beyond 4k” version of the game? :slight_smile:

Daemon reference?

There’s a character in Daemon called Roy Marret, and he ends up running through Mathew Sobal’s Mansion on fire and gets nicknamed The Burning Man.

Was this game inspired by that?

CyanPrime - Nope, never even heard of it. The actual process behind the game’s concept goes something like this:

Me: Hey, I have this really sweet fire effect, and I bet it would be easy to port to a 4k environment. Hey Ben, what’s good excuse for a game to have tons and tons of fire?
Ben: What if you are on fire?
Me: Oh man, you could like… burn through wooden platforms. It’d be great.

Appel - Sorry I took half a year to respond; I made that “Game of the Year Edition” version but that was actually 4k again. I might go make a full version. A friend and I are starting up a business, so there might be a full version for Android sometime in the next few months.