Yes, it sounds about right from a time/expectations point of view.
Yes, it sounds about right from a time/expectations point of view.
Sounds nice in theory, but is generally a waste of time. Writing reusable code is almost impossible. Every time you ‘finish’ a project you’ll already know what bunch of design flaws are in your current engine, and how you’d do better in your next project. Making code very abstract is one way to lose control and never get anything done.
During prototyping you really have to write code that works. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a mess, or how you’re using stuff that’s considered ‘not done’ to make it all work. Once it works, clean it up, refactor your code into a better structure (an IDE like Eclipse and NetBeans is required here!) and add some new features, again, making a big mess, use dirty hacks, until it works. Rinse and repeat.
Once the 3 months are over, you probably will never use that code again, because with all that you’ve learnt it would simply be stupid not to start from scratch.
Yeah that is what I definitely plan to do (and funnily enough always what I seem to do with every project at the moment… implement it in such a way that it really is a big mess just to get it to work… then tidy it all up after).
I just need to remember really that whatever code I do eventually hand in, to make sure it is moderately tidy by the end of it!
I was also playing around with 3d in Java a while ago.
I wrote an extremely simple 3d engine that can display simple geometric shapes like cubes or pyramids and make them move around and rotate.
However it doesn’t use opengl. It just draws the stuff with Graphics2D.fill, so it’s kinda slow.
But since it’s so small and simple it is very easy to understand. So it might give you some inspiration.
If you want to take a look at the source code, i put it on megauploadcom/?d=TN2TJSS5
You can compile it with javac game3d/*.java and run it with java -cp . game3d/Game3D.
You can control the camera with w,a,s,d,q,e,space,c,shift and by clicking and dragging the mouse.
Can we see what you managed to do?
Why not using JOGL? It works
Thanks gouessej!
From now on we are officially allowed to advise LWJGL in a JOGL thread!
No, he mentioned JOGL in his first post (otherwise I would not have mentioned it), I don’t see what is wrong:
- I would probably try to convert that to using LWJGL
Please read more carefully my posts and my quotes.
Sorry, it’s official now.
Sorry, it’s official now.
You will need an official moderator who is not in the LWJGL side for the JOGL section in this case.