Bug Bomb

Thanks, Markus. Nice observation about Super Mario Bros – I hadn’t realized that was where my subconscious had stolen the idea from! ;D

Nice work, japcu! Sorry that getting it to compile is a bit of a job. I probably should write proper compilation instructions – but if I make too much work for myself I’d never get around to uploading the source at all.

By the way, if you’re wondering where the sound effect (OGG) files are, you can extract them from the game’s JAR file. But I bet a smart cookie like you had that figured out already! :wink:


Just came across this little hidden gem, I think it is very nicely executed with a brilliant level of polish.

+1 point if the game installs and uninstalls correctly
+1 point if the game doesn’t crash ever
+1 point if the game is slickly presented
+1 point if the game has “good” graphics that suit the game
+1 point if the game has “good” sound that suit the game
+1 point if the game’s overall style is “good”
-1 point if the game is original or brings a great new original twist
+1 point if your judge enjoyed playing the game
+1 point if the game is complete enough that doesn’t feel anything is missing
+1 point if you don’t whine and you demand nothing of the mods (simply saying “can you rate my game please” is fine)

I give it a 9/10.


I’m very late to the party, but… Seems to me that maybe BufferStrategy.show() doesn’t like being called outside the AWT thread.

Hi, pjt33. Did it crash for you as well? I’d been hoping that that problem was unique to Demonpants. (No one else has mentioned the crash – but maybe that’s because not many people have played the game. :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s true that BufferStrategy.show() is being called outside the AWT thread, but I thought that was the recommended approach (i.e., kick off a game thread that sits in a loop updating the game state, updating the display, calling BufferStrategy.show(), and waiting for a bit). Have I got that wrong? Is there a better way of setting up a game loop?


Can you use a button other than control for attacking? Control + Arrows on Mac is a hotkey for swapping virtual desktops, i.e. not only does the game lose focus but it goes completely bye-bye. It makes it impossible to play.

You can, lots of them. 8) Control, space, shift, enter, Z and M should all work.
There are several variations for the movement keys as well. Watch closely when the game starts.

Fun game. very smooth, nice theme, good sound. ;D

Thanks! :slight_smile:
It’s been a while since this thread was busy. Are you exploring the Featured Game archives, or did you end up here by mistake?

Fun game. Worked good on my MacBook.

I found the controls a little bit sluggish. A few times I would be holding a key down and the player wasn’t moving. I tracked this down to be that if the key is held down, none of the movement keys seems to work.

Very polished and I really like how the game keeps flowing even before you start or after you die!

Fun game. hard enough to be addictive.