The Squared/cubed/further and extra X functions for velocity/gravity and similar is used to represent time/total.
Which would mean that you can get away with far simpler math if you keep track of the totals yourself(Location, Velocity, and Acceleration). In this case your real velocity because you’re dealing with speed.
So to simulate an arrow going off You’re going to add a large amount to X-Velocity and Y-Velocity. Then each game tick you going to add X-Velocity and Y-Velocity to your arrow location X-Location/Y-Location(assume that all values can and will be negative).
To draw your Arrows tail you’re you’re going to base your angle on the new location and your old location for drawing. Going to take trig and maybe some linear math depending if you’re not drawing a sphere.
The fun part now is simulating acceleration. For this we’re going to have the variable X-Acceleration and Y-Acceleration, and we’re going to add them to velocity each tick. In the case of gravity we’re going to have a Positive Y-Acceleration(assuming 0,0 is the top left corner).
Now if we’re going to add friction this also becomes pretty simple to simulation, each tick we’re going take X-Velocity and Y-Velocity closer to 0(with simple addition/subtraction after we’ve found wither velocity is negative/Positive).
Believe or not that logic above is the logic behind calculus since you’re using derivatives there, Though I’m Sure It’ll piss off someone who takes math seriously(and forgot that it only exists for communication).
The next thing we need to consider is force/acceleration in a direction that isn’t 90 degrees.
For a pet project I want to to graph 360 points, with Sin as the X values and Cos as the Y values(Make sure you multiply by 20 or 30 or you’ll just get a useless point).
You should notice that You ended up drawing a Circle. Now with a bit of logic you’ll realize that A) All the points are the same distance from the center(the 20 or 30 you multiplied by) B) that at the 0/90/180/270 angles that that you’re going to have one value of X/Y be the 20 or 30 you multiplied by and the other value be 0(which is a restatement of A).
Which means that with some code wrangling you logical way to create a force/acceleration value(for adding) in any direction/angle.
EDIT: of course to work with this you’re going to want a fixed tick(delta) if you have anything that is multiplicative, and you can not lose ANY time in your game loop