ArenaWars - It's a game!

It would have already been solved by using this:

<extension name="lwjgl" href="" />

You can activate checking of OpenGL errors after each GL command by using lwjgl-debug.jar instead of lwjgl.jar.

Yes it was what I was looking for him, it is the best solution to find where the invalid enum is used.

So that line would take care of loading lwjgl on all platforms?

Try the Europe primary server now.

Yes, look at the produced JNLP file if you have a doubt. We have the same mechanism for JOGL, it is more simple than writing your own JNLP file to deploy this library.

I see.

Can I also use this to make an applet version of the game?


Applets don’t use Webstart extensions which is a shame. You’ll want to use the LWJGL Applet Loader (see in the distribution for example).

Cas :slight_smile:

Still not working. That “extension” line is not in the JNLP file that I am getting. I’ve cleared my cache and all that…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp codebase="" href="full.JNLP">
    <vendor>HT Minions</vendor>
    <homepage href="" />
    <description>It's a game</description>
    <offline-allowed />
    <icon href="logo32.jpg" width="32" height="32" />
    <icon href="logo64.jpg" width="64" height="64" />
    <all-permissions />

  <update check="always" policy="prompt-update" />
  <application-desc main-class="spel.Game"/>
    <j2se href="" version="1.5+" />
    <jar href="superjar.jar" main="true" />
    <jar href="lwjgl_util.jar" />
    <jar href="lwjgl.jar" />

  <resources os="Windows" arch="x86">
    <nativelib href="lwjgl_win32.jar" />
  <resources os="Linux" arch="x86_64">
    <nativelib href="lwjgl_linux64.jar" />
  <resources os="Linux" arch="x86 i386 i686">
    <nativelib href="lwjgl_linux.jar" />
  <resources os="Mac OS X">
    <nativelib href="lwjgl_osx.jar" />

Have you noticed that the section “SunOS” is missing? It is not surprising that it does not work.

That’s the old jnlp-file. The solaris support were updated 27th at 19:43 CET, please refresh and try again.

Please can you use lwjgl-debug.jar to allow me to help you to detect the bug that prevents me from playing with your game?

I added a link to the debug version at the bottom of the primary server. Please let me know if I did not manage to do it right.

Look at this:

[quote]The dreaded OpenGL 1281 error is thrown when your computer tries to load or draw a texture that is bigger than what your graphics card can handle.
You can use GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE to know the maximum texture size:

final int maxSize = org.lwjgl.util.glu.Util.glGetIntegerv(GL11.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);\.googlecode\.com&l=265
When the texture is too big, try to resize the image. If you need more help, let me know.

Both Radeon 9250 and XPress 200 supports textures up to 2048. But the game now includes a copy of each texture at max. 512, wich should eliminate the problem.

Ok I see a white rectangle in fire, then I see a white background with a tiny triangle that seems to be a cursor, it is extremely slow :frowning:

You can see how the fire is supposed to look in the screenshot gallery. You can also find the menu in the gallery.

Does the game manage to map any textures at all?

I apologise I haven’t tested the open source driver yet myself.


I see no texture :frowning:

I spent last night trying to solve the problem, but I didn’t solve it, I’ll try again tonight.

Thanks. Do you have an idea of the root cause?

It might be an issue on texture sizes or the way they are loaded.

Please try the new debug version from the primary server, it will now create a log file named “arenawarslog.txt” in your web browsers temp folder. Please email this file to me, efikkan at hotmail. This log file will tell me if there are issues loading the textures.