4k '09

Also, when it is needed it will also be needed for applets… so no distinct advantage to applets there.

About the rules: Previous years have allowed changing the entry up until the deadline, so that shouldn’t be a problem. But you should really ask appel or jojoh to make sure :slight_smile:

Sorry, I was actually referring to the fact that some systems throw a security message on the d/l and run of just the JNLP file. The security message telling you about the signed jar is another thing.

Excellent. I imagine they will keep the rules the same in this area. Thanks.

Ah, right. In any case it’s not the usual behaviour, so in most cases it won’t be a problem. :slight_smile:

Correct, the submissions will basically be frozen when the deadline is up, so you can go ahead and edit it until then. I would even say that it is encouraged to publish before the deadline, so that you get a chance to get feedback on any problems with different platforms and runtimes, as well as suggestions for improvements.

Doesn’t really matter so long as its 1.5+, IMO.

No. Definitely no.

I don’t really care if the contest is applet only or not, but I really don’t understand why people are so anti-applet.
It’s far superior to webstart as you can just show the applets directly on web pages and not bother the player with accepting a bunch of dialog boxes.

I’ve always had trouble getting applets to run JARs that need natives, like LWJGL. Webstart is easier in that regard.

Ah, yes. For applications that use native libraries, I agree. =)

For me, the biggest difference is what happens when programs crash (and most do at some point or another). Applets, when run with the old applet plugin, will crash your browser = not good. Webstart won’t. :slight_smile:

Because I’ve been working really freaking hard on an app that needs to run as a server and accept connections from other players :smiley:

I still don’t know whether I’ll get it done in time, or whether it’ll fit in the 4k, but as far as I know this isn’t allowed by applets.

'09 will be in a similar fashion as the '08 one, no worries.