MR KEN RUSSEL please be so kind and answer one my question:
Is it possible to add one small class file to jogl.jar like JoglAppletLancher to jogl-src\jogl\src\classes\com\sun\opengl\util
What to add?
Well a simple class file that will enable silent instalatin for unsigned applets who would like to choose whatever they want download jogl support or not especially when that applet would like to have its own software renderer. When user would like to have jogl support it will donwload on its own jogl.jar and next step of instalation will be the same as in JoglAppletLancher.
How i imagine that?
first i have my own unsigned applet which is quite little becouse it has its own software renderer, when user decide to use jogl support My applet on its own download
jogl.jar and create instance of joglInstaler (code below, that must be added to jogl.jar ), interface is neccesary to handle connection betwean my app and jogl.jar, so my app load class joglInstaler using ClassForName and newInstance() to initalize it and then invokes installJoglAndGetMyListener function as a argument it will pass
MY own class file as byte array that supports jogl (using GLEventListener etc, for example like has made it Dzzd in code example above) . This function will install jogl on client machine initalize that my class file i mention earlier and return it to my app. So my app will be also able to use func display from jogl (GLEventListener )
GLEventListener installJoglAndGetMyListener( byte joglProgram[] );
class joglInstaler implements JoglInstall
GLEventListener installJoglAndGetMyListener( byte joglProgram[] )
… install native libs
… initalize class from byte array -> joglProgram[] , i think that byte array it is good solution becouse my applet
could download my own class supporting jogl from server when it will be really neccesary (for example when usser would like to enable jogl)
… initalize as new instance that class
… return it as interface
I am very sorry that i gave an idea not working code, but i was thinking for a solution for enable unsigned smalll applets to have jogl support when user want it,
well adding one additional file to jogl.jar should not be a problem since it is already signed.
So again what do you think Ken
Ok i go sleep…