Maybe you want the scales to be that big, but why would you need such an high resolution (if you are making an game)?
It would never be visible to an human player, so you could easely use steps of 1000, 1000000 or more.
This way you have an big scale without the need of *** long ints
Seriously, 10^-15m is the size of a proton, and 10^15 is about 1000 light hours (~50x bigger than the solar system). Turns out the pixels in your screen are quite a bit bigger than that. Even adding zoom doesn’t work. There is a reason why in a lot of games units are not to scale cus it doesn’t really work. Even in games where they claim to be to scale (Supreme commander) they cheat. Look at the size of a tank compared to a aircraft carrier. Hell the range of weapons is massively reduced as well because mixing scales like this leads to boring game play or just plain no gameplay.
Space the scales are even worse. If the sun was a basket ball, the earth is pea about 100m away and the nearest star is about 30,000km away IIRC. Aka its all just tiny dots on the screen until you hit it. That is why space games cheat and make planets much larger, or orbits much smaller than true scale. So things are interesting.
Yeah that was my point, but much better explained